05 March 2007

Carry Me Back to Old Virginny -- Not

My letter from the law school at UVa did arrive today and it seems that I was not meant to be a Cavalier, as they wrote that they regrettably could not offer me a place in their Fall 2007 entering class.

And that's fine. I always knew that UVa was a far reach for me and figured that if any school rejected me, that'd be the one. Though the thought of attending one of the country's top ten law schools was an amazing prospect, I had begun to wonder during the past week whether UVa really would be the best place for me. The most obvious concern was the cost; my tuition as an out-of-commonwealth student would've been upwards of $35,000 per year, nearly twice the annual limit for federal student aid loans. A secondary consideration was the orientation of the curriculum at such an elite school. Would it be too theoretical for my tastes and needs? Would I be able to acquire the practical skills necessary to practice law? Of course, all of that is a moot point now.

So, one more piece of the puzzle is complete. Hopefully, letters from UNC Chapel Hill and Wake Forest U will arrive in my mail box shortly and I will have occasion to shout "Yahoo!" instead of "Wahoo!" :J

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